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Monday, January 21, 2008

Abortion methods

Commonly used abortion methods are:
Suction Aspiration
-Most commonly used method.
-Used during the first twelve weeks of the fetus.
-A hollow tube with knife edge tip is inserted and then connected to a vacuum machine, which tears the fetus into pieces and suck it out.
-Anesthesia is given to the mother to avoid pain.

Menstrual Extraction
-Used during the early stage of a pregnancy.
-Suction method is used.
-Remains pieces of the fetus may cause infection.

Dilation and Curettage
-Equal to suction method.
-Uses a loop shaped knife to cut the fetus into pieces and then discarded.

Dilation and Evacuation
-Similar to dilation and curettage method but uses a forsep to tear the bones of the fetus and removes it.
-Problem may occur when the fetus’s head is too big.

Saline Abortion
-Dangerous method.
-Used during the 6th week of pregnancy.
-Uses salt poisoning through a needle inserted.
-The baby will breathe and suck in the solution.
-When giving birth, the dead baby comes out.

Prostaglandin Abortion
-Prostaglandin is a hormone required in order to give birth.
-Injecting these hormones into the amniotic sac results a faster labour which the baby is immature enough to survive.
-Saline and urea may be inserted to kill the baby before labour.

Urea Abortion
-Urea is injected similarly to saline abortion.
-It kills the baby when the baby breathe in the poisonous solution.

-A type of cesarean delivery.
-Abdomen and womb are opened to life out the baby and clamp the umbilical cord.
-There is chances that child may survive the process.

-Discarding the child at the same time when removing the uterus of a mother.

Abortion Pills
-Most known pill is RU-486.
-A chemical abortifacient that will end the life of the fetus.
-Known as menses regulators and post-coital contraceptives.
-Blocks progesterone, which is crucial to maintain pregnancy.
-Long term effect of the drug is still under research.

Partial Birth Abortion (D&X)
-D&X refers to dilation and extraction.
-Used when child is 26 weeks and older.
-The body of the fetus is pulled out leaving the head behind. A scissor is then pierced into the skull and a suction catheter is used to vacuum out the skull’s flesh. After that, the dead child is taken out from the mother’s uterus.

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